How to Become A Client

Ideal Balance is a referral-only business that works with clients to help them reach their specific health goals.  Our typical clients come to us with chronic injuries, acute injuries, posture problems, scoliosis, arthritis, prenatal and postnatal care, pre and post surgery, athletic goals, scar tissue, accidents, and more.  The techniques used are focused on being customized, effective, and long lasting to get your body stable and balanced. The body is an integration of various tissue systems that are all interconnected and influence one another.  When there is an imbalance between these systems, we typically experience it as pain or discomfort.  It is imperative for body workers to understand this interdependence of systems in order to find and solve the core issue of imbalances, leading to lasting results.



Prospective Clients Please Contact:

Ideal Balance, LLC

Jessica M. Smith-González

(918) 701-9131

Please state referral information when contacting us.